Install SigOpt Orchestrate

SigOpt Orchestrate is a command-line tool for managing training clusters and running optimization experiments.

There are four steps to getting SigOpt Orchestrate installed.

Install SigOpt Orchestrate

To install SigOpt and get started, go to our Get Started guide.

Configure AWS

SigOpt Orchestrate helps you manage clusters. This guide uses AWS EKS to create a cluster. If you already have a cluster on AWS or if you are using another cluster service, see our guide on Bring Your Own Cluster and then skip to the test step below.

If your local development environment is not already configured to use AWS, the easiest way to get started is to configure your AWS Access Key and AWS Secret Key via the aws command line interface:

$ aws configure

If you're not an account admin, you may need to set up appropriate permissions. To do so, please see details in the guide, Create and Manage Kubernetes cluster on AWS to Enable Full Access.

Create a Kubernetes cluster on AWS

SigOpt references a cluster configuration YAML file in the creation of a Kubernetes cluster on AWS.

Create a cluster.yml file. The example YAML file below defines a CPU cluster named tiny-cluster with two t2.small AWS instances.

# cluster.yml
provider: aws
cluster_name: tiny-cluster
  instance_type: t2.small
  max_nodes: 2
  min_nodes: 0
kubernetes_version: '1.20'

To create the cluster, from the same directory as your cluster configuration file, run:

$ sigopt cluster create -f cluster.yml

Cluster creation can take between 15-30 minutes. If you notice an error, please try re-running the same command. SigOpt will reuse the same EKS cluster so the second run will be much faster.

Test Cluster Connected

When you have completed the above steps, run our test command to verify that your install is working:

$ sigopt cluster test

What’s Next?

Now that you’ve got SigOpt Orchestrate connected to a cluster, we recommend the tutorials on Orchestrate a tracked Training Run or Orchestrate an AI Experiment to run a training run or a set of training runs on your cluster.

Last updated