When endpoints might return a large amount of data, the API will return only a subset of that data by returning a Pagination object.
A Pagination object includes the total count of objects available across all pages, the data available on this page, and a paging block which contains instructions for accessing the next/previous pages.
Automated pagination is available in the latest version of the Python and Java libraries. Here’s an example:
# Prints all observations, one-by-one, by iterating through
# all the required API requests
for observation in conn.experiments(EXPERIMENT_ID).observations().fetch().iterate_pages():
# Since iterate_pages() returns an iterator, you may need to turn it into a
# list if you want to do more complicated logic
obs_list = list(conn.experiments(EXPERIMENT_ID).observations().fetch().iterate_pages())
import com.sigopt.model.*;
import com.sigopt.*;
Sigopt.clientToken = "CLIENT_TOKEN";
// Prints all experiments, one-by-one, by iterating through
// all the required API requests.
Pagination<Observation> p = new Experiment(EXPERIMENT_ID).observations().list().call();
// p.iteratePages() returns an Iterable<Experiment>
for (Observation o: p.iteratePages()) {