If the CLI or Jupyter Notebook integration isn't right for your use case then you might want to create Runs and AI Experiments directly with the SigOpt Python Client. To create a Run, just add the following to your code:
Copy run = sigopt . create_run ()
With this Run object you can get and set parameter values and log attributes in a similar way as you would when using the CLI:
Copy run . params . learning_rate = 0.1
accuracy = train_my_model (learning_rate = run.params.learning_rate)
run . log_metric ( "accuracy" , accuracy)
For convenience, you can use a Python context manager to end the Run automatically, including when your code raises an exception:
Copy with sigopt . create_run () as run :
run . params . learning_rate = 0.1
accuracy = train_my_model (learning_rate = sigopt.params.learning_rate)
run . log_metric ( "accuracy" , accuracy)
With SigOpt installed and your Python environment set up, let's take a look at how to record a SigOpt Run in a Python IDE.
Copy import tensorflow as tf
import sigopt
import os
os . environ [ "SIGOPT_API_TOKEN" ] = # SIGOPT-API-TOKEN
os . environ [ "SIGOPT_PROJECT" ] = "run-examples"
class KerasNNModel :
def __init__ ( self , hidden_layer_size , activation_fn ):
model = tf . keras . Sequential (
tf.keras.layers. Flatten (input_shape = ( 28 , 28 )),
tf.keras.layers. Dense (hidden_layer_size, activation = activation_fn),
tf.keras.layers. Dense ( 10 ),
self . model = model
def get_keras_nn_model ( self ):
return self . model
def train_model ( self , train_images , train_labels , optimizer_type , metrics_list , num_epochs ):
self . model . compile (
optimizer = optimizer_type,
loss = tf.keras.losses. SparseCategoricalCrossentropy (from_logits = True ),
metrics = metrics_list,
self . model . fit (train_images, train_labels, epochs = num_epochs)
def evaluate_model ( self , test_images , test_labels ):
metrics_dict = self . model . evaluate (test_images, test_labels, verbose = 2 , return_dict = True )
return metrics_dict
def load_data_train_model ( sigopt_run ):
sigopt_run . log_dataset (name = "mnist" )
(train_images , train_labels) , (test_images , test_labels) = tf . keras . datasets . mnist . load_data ()
# set model training, architecture parameters and hyperparameters
sigopt_run . params . num_epochs = 2
sigopt_run . params . hidden_layer_size = 200
sigopt_run . params . activation_fn = "relu"
# create the model
keras_nn_model = KerasNNModel (
hidden_layer_size = sigopt_run.params.hidden_layer_size, activation_fn = sigopt_run.params.activation_fn
sigopt_run . log_model ( "Keras NN Model with 1 Hidden layer" )
# train the model
keras_nn_model . train_model (train_images, train_labels, "adam" , [ "accuracy" ], sigopt_run.params.num_epochs)
sigopt_run . log_metadata ( "sgd optimizer" , "adam" )
metrics_dict = keras_nn_model . evaluate_model (test_images, test_labels)
# log performance metrics
sigopt_run . log_metric ( "accuracy" , metrics_dict[ "accuracy" ])
sigopt_run . log_metric ( "loss" , metrics_dict[ "loss" ])
if __name__ == "__main__" :
with sigopt . create_run () as run :
load_data_train_model (sigopt_run = run) pyth
Copy Run started, view it on the SigOpt dashboard at https://app.sigopt.com/run/1234
Epoch 1/2
1875/1875 [==============================] - 5s 2ms/step - loss: 2.7513 - accuracy: 0.8826
Epoch 2/2
1875/1875 [==============================] - 4s 2ms/step - loss: 0.3313 - accuracy: 0.9265
313/313 - 0s - loss: 0.2941 - accuracy: 0.9478
Run finished, view it on the SigOpt dashboard at https://app.sigopt.com/run/1234